Software Engineer – currently at Monzo 🏦
Working to help secure the infrastructure on which Monzo runs.
Previously, I worked on open-source OCaml tooling and distributed storage at Tarides ⛵
Mostly discussion of OCaml design patterns and tooling:
Irmin, a high-performance distributed database with Git-based semantics;
Alcotest, a testing framework with combinators and coloured output;
Progress, a small library for defining and using progress bars;
Oskel, a skeleton-builder for modern OCaml projects;
Operator Lookup, an online lookup utility for OCaml operators.
... see my GitHub profile.
CausalRPC, in which I discuss the design trade-offs of creating a type-safe RPC framework using Git-based semantics. Given at the OCaml workshop at ICFP 2019 (23rd August). Recording of the talk forthcoming.
Particle Swarm Optimisation, in which I give a brief introduction to swarm intelligence and its practical applications. Presented to my fellow Churchill Computer Scientists during my degree.
Curriculum Vitae. LaTeX styles available here.
CausalRPC (4.85 MB). My Part II dissertation, documenting the creation of a Git-inspired RPC framework. Won the G-Research Prize for the Best Individual Project.